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For most of my adult life I’ve sought to know the people around me. I’m intellectually curious, my wife says, and she jokes about how I like to interview new people we meet. She’s probably right…she usually is. It comes from my belief that people are valuable, and because they are valuable each person is worth knowing.

Deep down everyone wants to be known, accepted and cared for by others. Now more than ever people long for authenticity. In a world with many ways to mask what’s true, a great quest to know and be known presents itself to us. People can spot an authentic and caring person easily. They can just as easily spot someone faking authenticity. Authenticity is found where people are present, open and intentional. It is messy and imperfect. Distractions take our focus away from the people right in front of us. I’m guilty of this and want to get better.

Therefore, I am on a journey to learn how to be more people-focused and present day-to-day. I want to meet people where they are and walk with them on their journeys for as long as we have together.

It’s a journey that lacks a destination. I’ll never arrive at a place where all of this is figured out. Life is messy. People are messy. There will always be another horizon and opportunity to value others. At times it’s discouraging to know that this never ends, but having no destination is exciting as well because there’s always hope for a better future.

Walk the Block seeks to foster authentic community and add value where we are with what we have to offer. Let’s build something great together!


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